Thursday 22 September 2011

Autumn Leaves

I have often found a prayer bolt-hole at the beautiful church at Tudeley, resplendent with its complete set of Chagall windows. It is a most austere church inside, apart from those beautiful windows, but on a clear, bright summer's day, the colours from the stained glass wash the floor in many rainbows. One of the best times of the year is in darkest winter, on a crisp early morning; the sun is low and as it shines through the large main window the ceiling is covered with a great palette of colours. Out in the churchyard, sitting on one of the benches, it is possible to see the farmer's year turn from ploughing to sowing to harvesting. Beyond the fields are the gentle hills of North Kent.

People come from all over the world to see this little church, which looks quite plain on the outside; many would have been unaware of its dazzling treasure, until they opened the door and stepped inside for a few minutes away from the busy world. It really is a gem, a quiet place, a place where the Spirit dwells. I love to go there to pray about the work, to seek guidance, to seek encouragement. I'm often struck by the effect that the church interior has on those who come. Their sometimes fussy chattering can be heard as they approach the door, but once inside, most visitors are reduced to a hush or a whisper. God is in the house!

Now, here in September, the work takes us into the autumn - the Feasts of the Lord and singing at Christmas. A group in Essex is rehearsing one of our musicals, 'The Olive Tree', ready for summer performances. The days grow shorter but the work is just as urgent. "Work whilst there is still light" says Jesus.

As I write this, myneighbours' tree is bathed in the thin pale sunshine of autumn. Soon the leaves will turn and fall. and we are all a little nearer to the time of the Lord's coming!

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